
The Retired Firefighters Association of Queensland (RFFAQ) was formed early in 1999 as a non-profit organisation run by Retired Firefighters for Retired Firefighters.

Members of the RFFAQ provide support and comradeship to each other, particularly in times of sickness or bereavement and the Association helps to ensure that retired firefighters do not lose contact with each other or with the Queensland fire services.

As many retired firefighters have built their life on service to the community, the RFFAQ also gives them an opportunity to continue this community service by assisting the Queensland fire services to spread the word on fire safety.

Association members have assisted the Queensland fire services at numerous community events and were instrumental in the development of Seniors Fire Ed, a fire awareness and home safety program specifically for the over-50 age group.

We hope that you find our site interesting and informative. If you are a Retired Firefighter, this is YOUR site! If you are a serving Firefighter, then one day you will be a retired Firefighter. Let’s work together to record and preserve our heritage and history. If you have any suggestions for improvements please feel free to contact us via our email admin@rffaq.au or the committee members.

We would like to acknowledge the below for their contribution in helping to get the Association started.

Vic Horne AFSM, Ken Otto Stn Off, Deb Taylor Comms Off, Andrew Short Stn Off,  Allan Young Snr F/F.


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Executive & Committee

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President’s Message

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Patron’s Message

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