President's Message

14/02/2023 |


I hope that our members enjoyed their celebrations and holidays as we passed from 2022 into 2023.

Welcome members to our new website which has been a long time coming but with anything, persistence takes the day.

The website is designed to provide a central point for members to keep in touch with your association and each other, and what is taking place.  The site is also designed to help in keeping our memories through stories and pictures and manage our associations’ administration of memberships and merchandise. I would like to express my thanks to those involved, particularly Alan Musk and Rob O’Connor who led the development of the site for RFFAQ, and to the contractors Natiive Web Design for providing an excellent product.

Since 2020 we have been through a rough time with COVID and the restrictions, weather events that impacted people’s lives, etc and our association has not been able to do those things we would normally do.  However, we are moving forward and working toward the new year.

RFFAQ was able to get our magazine out and as with anything, there are several people working in the background to provide our members with the magazine.   I would like to thank our members for providing the content, Angela Oliver from the UFU who collated the content, and Melissa Stevens from QFES who helped designed and print the final published item.

I would also like to pass on the associations’ thanks to the QFES and Commissioner Greg Leach for their support both in the past and their ongoing support.

All the best for the new year and I hope to get out and about to see some of you in this new year.

Many Thanks