President's Message

06/08/2023 |


Firstly, I would like to mention the sad loss of our firefighter first class Izabella “Izzy” Nash. Izzy was injured at a recent fire south of Brisbane and unfortunately later passed away from the injuries sustained at the incident. I would also like to wish Senior Firefighter Lia Drew, who was injured in the same incident and is on the road to recovery, our best wishes and to let her know that our thoughts are with her through this tough time.

The memorial service for Izzy was held at the Nissan Area on Monday 22 May. I along with hundreds of firefighters attended to pay respect for a life lost in the line of duty. At the service, I laid a wreath on behalf of all retired firefighters.

Your association is going well. The last few years have been challenging due to the pandemic and restrictions imposed on our social gatherings. Fortunately, things are slowly moving again. We apologise as it has been a while since the last magazine, but hopefully, the gatherings will pick up and we will be able to put out more magazines in the future.

We have had some BBQs and have attended the graduations at the training centre at Whyte Island to congratulate the new QFES firefighters. The training centre is very busy with the number of courses being run; currently, recruits are coming through every three weeks. I would also like to mention the support which is given to our association by the fire service, and I pass on my thanks to the Commissioner for his commitment to retired firefighters. I take this opportunity to wish you all well in your retirement and thank you for your support of our association.